The months have slipped away on me. It is all ready June and I have just realized that it has been a long while since I up dated my blog.
First up my lovely friend Jan S has had 2 Exhibitions in the month of May. One at Goombungee and the second at Gallon. Both Exhibitions were wonderful. Very clever lady.
Crows Nest patchwork lady's had a day trip to Gatton to check out Jan's Exhibition. Every one was very impressed.
Jan with her leaf quilts
I have been trying to make my way through my UFO's This one was a Mystery Quilt I started with Laurene and Lorain from the American Quilters magazine. The name of the quilt is "Rainbow Rotini" but I don't think that name goes with my quit. Will have to find a new name. Any ideas ?
Brake between UFO's and made this happy quilt. I won the fabric for "Jerry's Owl Quilt".
This Is the Back of my flower quilt. Lots of old fabric on the back.
I started this quilt many years ago, as you can see from the fabric. Very pleased to finish this UFO. The pattern is from a Aust Patchwork & Quilting magazine. The name is "Liquorice Allsorts". The flowers are all Hand Applique. I put it together quilt-as-you -go. Used all the left over fabrics on the back.
Another empty box. Goodie goodie
Circle Play Class
I had a Circle Play class at Crows Nest. Had a wonderful lot of lady's in my class. We only had one day so the lady's learnt the technique for the blocks and got to make a few of the blocks up. Every one had lots of fun.
Cant wait to see what all the quilts look like from this class.

Happy sewing until next time