The months have slipped away on me. It is all ready June and I have just realized that it has been a long while since I up dated my blog.
First up my lovely friend Jan S has had 2 Exhibitions in the month of May. One at Goombungee and the second at Gallon. Both Exhibitions were wonderful. Very clever lady.
Crows Nest patchwork lady's had a day trip to Gatton to check out Jan's Exhibition. Every one was very impressed.
Jan with her leaf quilts
I have been trying to make my way through my UFO's This one was a Mystery Quilt I started with Laurene and Lorain from the American Quilters magazine. The name of the quilt is "Rainbow Rotini" but I don't think that name goes with my quit. Will have to find a new name. Any ideas ?
Brake between UFO's and made this happy quilt. I won the fabric for "Jerry's Owl Quilt".
This Is the Back of my flower quilt. Lots of old fabric on the back.
I started this quilt many years ago, as you can see from the fabric. Very pleased to finish this UFO. The pattern is from a Aust Patchwork & Quilting magazine. The name is "Liquorice Allsorts". The flowers are all Hand Applique. I put it together quilt-as-you -go. Used all the left over fabrics on the back.
Another empty box. Goodie goodie
Circle Play Class
I had a Circle Play class at Crows Nest. Had a wonderful lot of lady's in my class. We only had one day so the lady's learnt the technique for the blocks and got to make a few of the blocks up. Every one had lots of fun.
Cant wait to see what all the quilts look like from this class.

Happy sewing until next time
well you have been busy while MIA so thats good...........