It has been so long since I up dated my blog..BUT I have been very busy.
First I went down to Narrabri NSW for a family birthday party. My aunt was 80 and my uncle 70. We had a big family get together. The next day while all the family was still there we had Paul and Katherine's wedding. Plus a 21st was thrown in at the last minute.
Mary and Geoffrey's birthday party
Katherine and Paul's wedding
A few of us stayed together and went on a road trip to visit the ancestors. (the first Phelps to arrive in Australia)

Made our way to Mudgee first up. Next we spent the day driving around Ilford, Kandos, Rylstone checking out were the
family come from. Had the best time.

Lots of sight seeing and shopping.
It was time to head back to Toowoomba and do a bit of work. Lots of sewing waiting for me. I had a few weeks playing in the sewing room before I had to set off again. This time I was off to Casino to stay with Megan and Mykel. Getting ready for the big day. Their wedding on the 5th September.
It was the best day (even with the rain and hail) Once it was time for the wedding to start the sun was out and it was stunning. Megan was beautiful and Mykel looked pretty smart as well.
Doug and I were so proud. I had a tear in my eye all day. (all week really)

After such a wonderful wedding with all our family and friends it was very sad to say good bye.
But there is no rest for the wicked .Doug went back to work and I had a quilt to finish. One that I had started before I went away
August I had a class at Crows Nest teaching "Palace Jewels" the first part of the class was making blocks. Lots of different size blocks. The lady's then had a month to make more blocks before we got together again to piece them together in to a quilt.
The second part of the class was on the 11th September.
The Crows Nest quilters busy piecing there blocks together. Ever ones quilts were so different.
This is the quilt I had been working on before I started all my running around. Finely got it finished and send off to the Qld quilt show.
The start of the pieced background.
The quilt was made for my nephew Jeremy's 21st. Yes I'm a bit behind (only a year) Jeremy drew the owl and said he would like it on his quilt.
A little sneak look at the finished quilt.
All done , up to date. Hope I stay this way. Well I had better go, my bed is calling. Big day tomorrow I have a new quilt to cut out.
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