The last month has been very busy for mum and I with markets. We had a trip to Emerald for the craft fair, then back for the Toowoomba Bush Christmas and then on to Narrabri for the markets. We had lots of fun but I am so glad it is all over and I can sit down and sew for a while.
Almost packed up and ready to head for Emerald.
Emerald craft fair.
Early in the year I made a Diamond quilt from brown, yellow and orange fabric. I was asked if I would do it as a class or pattern. You will be happy to know that I have done it. This time with blue fabrics. Hense the name "Blue Diamonds"

Sorry about the photo. But you can get the idea of what it looks like, hopefully a better photo soon. I have made the quilt from 2 1/2" to 6 1/2" diamonds.
Started an "I Spy" quilt for my great nephew. Have a few more to make after this one to catch up with the little people that have arrive.
I now have a full house. Jane arrived from Canada and then Pauline and Rob arrived home. So it is a bit of a mad house. The sewing has taken over the whole house. We are all very busy.
We have had a few storms in the last week. One night we lost power for 5 hours. But that didn't stop Pauline from sewing. Rob had the generator out and set up before we could complain too much. Sewing by spot light and tea by candle light.
Time to get back to the sewing. Lots to do before Christmas. Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and new year.